
Dogs are welcome in the bottom end of the park providing they are on a lead. Dog owners must pick up after their dogs. It is remarkable how many park users do not do this and it is not only rude, it is potentially dangerous. Since Stationers Park lost its park keeper, an increasing number of people have been taking dogs off lead in Stationers and also letting them into the top area which is a play area. Dogs are not allowed in this area, even on a lead.

NO, it is not OK to take your dog off its lead anywhere in Stationers Park.

NO, it is not OK to bring dogs into the play area because you are passing through quickly and it is more convenient for you.

NO, it is not OK to bring dogs into the play area because your children are playing there. Tie your dog at the entrance.

NO, it is NEVER OK not to pick up after your dog, in Stationers Park or ANYWHERE!

For all you responsible dog owners, there are a lot of selfish people out there ruining it for you. If you see them breaking the rules, speak up - they are more likely to listen to a fellow dog owner.

What do you think of the dog control orders proposed for our borough? Haringey Council would like to hear your opinion - click here.